May 2023 flavours

May 2023 flavours

Despite the fact that it has one less day than most months, April seemed to go on for a very long time here at GR towers. It felt like we were waiting ages to use strawberries, and I was so excited to choose our flavours for May until I was reminded that STILL there's not much in season in the fruit category of British fruit and veg. 

We're often told that we're very creative with flavour, which is a lovely compliment, but it's borne out of the frankly unreasonable parameters I set out years ago. Which I have no plans to change. It's still more fun to concoct and test and change and add than sticking with what you or others have always done. Still, I remain optimistic that somewhere there's another kind of fruit growing somewhere on these isles that isn't only in season between May (well, June) and September. If you come across it, pleeeeeease let me know....!?

In the meantime, we thought more carefully about what happens and what's happening in May to influence this month's flavours. Tea parties and picnics come up a lot so we thought about what you'd have at your (Coronation or otherwise) afternoon celebrations. And it's meant that we've got two flavours amongst our selection that we've never had before. A Cambridge Burnt Cream is a British version of a Creme Brulee and we've distilled that into a macaron, and who doesn't have childhood memories of reading about picnics washed down with lashings of ginger beer??  

Our May flavours are

Gingerbeer Lime

Elderflower Mint

Cambridge Burnt Cream

Cucumber Apple Ginger


Chocolate Caramel Sea Salt

Pear Jasmine

Strawberry Jasmine
